We didn’t have much time at home before we were on the road again. This time we were going to attempt something we’d always wanted to do… a ‘friend-cation,’ if you will. Friends of ours, […]
It was hard to believe it’d been a whole year since our last PMC weekend. If you need a refresher… check out the posts that were published in June of 2016- including Lessons Learned. Basically, […]
We had one last surprise for TT Dad! Finally… after visiting both Camden Yards, and Wrigley Field, it was time to return to our home stadium, and take the duo to their very first Boston […]
A few weeks after our trip to Imagine Nation, in Bristol, CT, we ventured a little further from home, to Westfield, MA. We met our cousins, G & E, at the Amelia Park Children’s Museum. […]
Each fall, The Eastern States Exposition (Big E) is held in West Springfield, MA. It’s known as New England’s State Fair, with representation from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Everyone goes to the […]
In the days/weeks/months following our first big extended family vacation, TTDad and I came up with a dozen things we did well, and a dozen (plus) things we should have done differently. We’d like to […]