It comes earlier and earlier every year, or so it seems. I’m talking about the day that I look at the calendar, and realize that I don’t have a free weekend until the following year. […]
Believe it or not, we actually found time to do some traditional Fall activities this year! We took the kids to pick apples and pumpkins, which was SO FUN. What a fun age. I know […]
Once our summer adventures had officially wrapped up, it was time to settle into our fall routine. I was working with my trainer Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, and the kids had school on Tuesdays and […]
It’s never fun to pack up and leave the beach- but perhaps that’s why we do such a poor job of getting everything packed up! We always leave a handful of reminders behind. Poor Oma […]
We spent most of July trying to fit in all the local fun and flavor that we could. There were two purposes to this- First of all, we found our schedules to be getting busier […]
TT Dad and the kids went to extraordinary measures to show me just how loved and appreciated i am, on Mother’s Day this year. I had my work cut out for me, to say the […]