Falling into Place

Once our summer adventures had officially wrapped up, it was time to settle into our fall routine.

I was working with my trainer Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, and the kids had school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

This means we really only had Wednesday to fill with play dates and other spontaneous outings.  Thursday was now officially my day for a combination of me-time, and various appointments.

I celebrated my first Thursday with a couple of kid-free hours by shopping and lunching with Nonie. It was exactly what I needed-  she was able to calm my nerves, and understand my excitement, as well.

Fall is also known as Birthday Season in our family.  We start off the festivities with Uncle M, and cousins G & E.  The three of them celebrate their birthdays in the span of less than a week.  This year, G & E’s birthday party was at a local children’s museum!  One of our favorites.  The party included a guided tour of the facility, an animal visit, and a craft.  The kids had a blast.  We’re definitely adding the The Children’s Museum in West Hartford to our list of possible future birthday party locations!  Added bonus-  I grew up going to that very same children’s museum!


Fall is also spent rooting for our favorite college football team-  The UCONN Huskies!

This year, they really got into it!  We were able to tailgate, and they loved watching the game.  Okay, okay… they really loved the bobble heads that were given out that day-  But we lasted longer than we ever have.  Win-WIN!












In addition to the family outings, we were able to find time for a date night, or two!    We hit up some local spots that never fail to impress, but we also tried someplace new-  The Hop Knot.


The Hop Knot focuses on Beer, original and creative Pretzels, and Games! It was the absolute perfect combination for TT Dad and I on a date night!  We thought the pretzels were good, but we weren’t blown away.  We ended up at a different bar to watch the Bears game.




Finally, we spent quite a bit of time just settling into home. Even though we were slowing down on the adventures, we still felt like we hadn’t been home in a while, so it was nice to enjoy some of our favorite activities.  We rode bikes, played with sidewalk chalk, and played with cars-  A LOT.