Happy New Year! 2018 has arrived. We rang in the new year at home, just the four of us (well, the 5 of us- we picked Marley up from the doggie hotel!) Quiet time at […]
Merry Christmas! Man, Christmas with three year olds is FUN. We are busy celebrating and enjoying the day as a family, but please enjoy these memories in the mean time! We’ll be back soon, to […]
As the holiday season approached us, the excitement was building. And I’m not just talking about the kids! TT Dad and I were looking forward to seeing how the duo would react to everything this […]
It comes earlier and earlier every year, or so it seems. I’m talking about the day that I look at the calendar, and realize that I don’t have a free weekend until the following year. […]
2017- The year of Mom- had one more surprise. Of course, it’s not really a surprise, because I already spilled the beans, back in this post! It kind of was a surprise, though. To me. […]