December was certainly a memorable month! It started out with a wedding- my wonderful cousin, and Maid of Honor- Becky and her new husband, Blair, were married in Boston. TT Dad and I were fortunate […]
Summer wasn’t over. Yes, the kids had started school… but we had one last family vacation planned. Whoops. Guess I should have looked at that calendar a little closer. We were double booked- the kids […]
While we love traveling as a family, we also like to find time to enjoy being a couple. More often than not, this time is not necessarily an after thought, but also not necessarily a […]
We settled into bed on that Saturday night in November, quite happily. We were pretty sure we had provided the duo with the best day of their lives. Day two started off in a similar […]
To Recap: Our Boston Plan was to definitely hit up the Aquarium, the Children’s Museum, and the Zoo- basically our go-to in any city we visit. We also had a list of Bonus Adventures that we […]
It was time. Sure, our kids were ‘potty trained’ pretty quickly. At least in their own home. They had even done well on little outings, or playing outside- But simply the idea of testing them […]