Pre-Holiday Cheer

December was certainly a memorable month!

It started out with a wedding-  my wonderful cousin, and Maid of Honor-  Becky and her new husband, Blair, were married in Boston.  TT Dad and I were fortunate enough to be able to attend this wedding, sans kids.  Oma and Opa came up to spend a long weekend with the kids so we could enjoy the wedding events!

I drove up on Friday to attend a reception after the rehearsal dinner, and then TT Dad met me there on Saturday for the wedding itself.  The wedding was just as special and unique as their love.  These two are meant to be, and there is nothing in this world that makes me happier than seeing Becky so loved for exactly the wonderful person she is.

While the wedding certainly set the bar high, December worked really hard to match the joy of that first weekend!




The duo were thrilled to get out and play around in the first snowfall of the season, spending quite a bit of time perfecting their snow angels.  The only way they agreed to come back in from playing outside was with the promise of hot cocoa!




When the weather was too cold to go outside, we spent a lot of time doing arts and crafts.  The duo have become quite the little artists!  They get so excited when the arts and crafts bin comes out to play.

Throw in a LOT of cuddles, and you’ve got a marvelous month… and it was just beginning.

Coming up, we had a few days in the City with the kiddos- as well as TT Dad’s side of the family!   We hadn’t seen Auntie C, Uncle C, cousins A&A in a long while, so the kids were thrilled to be able to play with them.  Auntie A, Uncle N, and cousin I would be there too, and as always the duo’s excitement to see them was at an extreme level.

It was a wonderful trip, filled with fun and family time-  but as usual, it wasn’t all fun and games…  Stay tuned to read more about the wins and the whoopsies!