They say there’s no place like NYC during the holiday season. They’re right. In between the wedding and our ski trip, we had a few days planned in NYC. All of us. This would be […]
December was certainly a memorable month! It started out with a wedding- my wonderful cousin, and Maid of Honor- Becky and her new husband, Blair, were married in Boston. TT Dad and I were fortunate […]
2017- The year of Mom- had one more surprise. Of course, it’s not really a surprise, because I already spilled the beans, back in this post! It kind of was a surprise, though. To me. […]
2017 was the year I finally decided to try not to forget to take care of myself. I’ve done a few things to try to protect my health and well-being, not only physical, but mental […]
While we love traveling as a family, we also like to find time to enjoy being a couple. More often than not, this time is not necessarily an after thought, but also not necessarily a […]
I really don’t have a lot of juice for this post. We realized that making our vacation a ‘Coast-to-Coast’ affair was a mistake early on, but decided to make the most of it. Cue: Hour […]