We spent most of July trying to fit in all the local fun and flavor that we could. There were two purposes to this- First of all, we found our schedules to be getting busier […]
I really don’t have a lot of juice for this post. We realized that making our vacation a ‘Coast-to-Coast’ affair was a mistake early on, but decided to make the most of it. Cue: Hour […]
It’s true. We’re crazy. That’s the only explanation. We thought it would be fun to extend our vacation with a long weekend in Montauk. Of course, this decision was made at the last minute, just […]
Time to check out of our hotel, and start making our way back towards home… ish. But more on that later. We took our time getting out the door- TTDad finished packing, and then took […]
Finally! We made it- TTDad and Auntie A were done working, and it was time to squeeze in a day of fun before heading home. We had stumbled upon an idea that sounded perfect for […]
We woke up to a Monday. Sad when that happens, isn’t it? Monday morning brought an early rising, packing our things, and calling for the car, because TT Dad wanted to get to San Jose […]