Once we returned home, we had almost a whole month before our next planned overnight adventure. In the meantime, we would keep ourselves busy with our first Flower Girl/Ring Bearer gig, Halloween (and other Fall […]
TT Dad had a little bit more business to attend to, so the duo and I decided to give McCormick & Schmick’s one more chance, after the mediocre experience TT Dad and I had the […]
We woke up on Sunday morning, ready to go. Breakfast is typically the duo’s biggest (and happiest) meal of the day… and TT Dad and I enjoy a good breakfast as well, so we love […]
Considering how close Providence is, I am surprised it took us this long to find our way here. Stopping for lunch at the Brewery was perhaps the biggest mistake we made. Don’t get me wrong- […]
We didn’t have much time at home before we were on the road again. This time we were going to attempt something we’d always wanted to do… a ‘friend-cation,’ if you will. Friends of ours, […]
Sadly, our time at the beach was coming to an end, and it was time to think about the long trip home. Previously, the vast majority of our long drives have been done overnight. […]