Turns out, we have a couple of fish. We knew that, already, but it really became clear the summer before they turned 3. When given an option, water play was always choice number 1. Who […]
Once we returned home, we had almost a whole month before our next planned overnight adventure. In the meantime, we would keep ourselves busy with our first Flower Girl/Ring Bearer gig, Halloween (and other Fall […]
Sadly, our time at the beach was coming to an end, and it was time to think about the long trip home. Previously, the vast majority of our long drives have been done overnight. […]
Before we knew it, June was almost over. We were able to sneak a few more adventures in before saying goodbye to June (and heading out on our first overnight of the summer!) Of course, […]
We had one last surprise for TT Dad! Finally… after visiting both Camden Yards, and Wrigley Field, it was time to return to our home stadium, and take the duo to their very first Boston […]
TT Dad really stepped up his game for Mother’s Day, this year! A weekend in Chicago, Cubs game, spending quality time with my kids, my husband, and my amazing in-laws! He really set the bar […]