One, Two… THREE!

My dear Kiddos,  Today was almost your birthday.

I was induced three years ago today, but nothing happened, so you entered the world via c-section, three years ago, tomorrow.

Three years of laughs, of love, and of more laughs.

You are the very best of friends, with several overlapping interests, like Paw Patrol, all things Disney, and Trains.  At the same time, you are completely different, both in personality, and your strengths.  It came as a complete surprise to learn that you two hardly acknowledge each other in school- never mind play together.  Some way, some how, you ended up being two little well adjusted nuggets.

Z, you are so proud to know that you came out first, and love to tell people that Daddy held you first.  You are always looking to laugh, and find ways to make everyone laugh with you.  You are happiest doing some sort of craft project, coloring, painting, playing with play-doh.  Your imagination knows no bounds.  I never know if your cry for ‘MOOOOOM’ is meant for me or one of your toys.  I love watching your take on life though your ‘friends’.  There is nothing better in this world than watching the joy on your face as you roll down our many hills, or chase me around, as ‘the big bad wolf.’  You focus on the important things in life- your family, friends, and making sure everyone knows how much you love them.  Your little eyes and face are so expressive- there’s never a question about how you really feel. You and Marley are a special little duo as well. It’s been an absolute treat to watch you adjust to your nursery school.  You love every minute of it, and have already made a few friends.
I am excited to watch you, as you enter your 4th year of life. My wish for you is that you are never afraid to be you…  If you want to grow up to be a doctor that drives a bulldozer, I hope you know that you can do it.  You can do anything, my sweet, spunky, silly girl.  We love you.


G, I am always amazed by the size of your heart.  Other kids may have temper tantrums when they don’t get their way, but you have a display that can only be described as having your heart broken.  You almost always ask for a cuddle to help you stop crying, and often come up to me randomly simply to tell me you love me.  You even made up your own cute little way of saying it. ‘I love you.  I love you the most.  I love you FOREVER.’  You are the perfect balance to your sister, and yourself.  You can be both absolutely silly, asking for a toe shake, not just a handshake- then turn around and be hyper focused.  You complete 24 and 36 piece puzzles with little effort, and enjoy playing a game you made up where you add numbers using your fingers.  You are also loving every minute of school, and your teacher.  You love identifying letters and numbers, and are always thirsting for knowledge, but are happy to take a break to get some creative juices flowing, as well.  My wish for you is that you never lose that twinkle in your eye, and that you don’t forget to have some fun while you’re working so hard!

Both of you are the absolute sweetest, kindest, strongest and most brilliant children there ever could be.  Thank you for choosing me to be your mother.

I love you.
I love you the most.
I love you FOREVER.