San Jose and Beyond!

TT Dad had a couple of really full work days in San Jose, so the kids and I were on our own.

A year ago, that was a very frightening prospect.  We’ve come a long way, toddlers.

First on the list of toddler friendly fun in San Jose (and personally recommended by my friend) was the Children’s Discovery Museum. In an amazing twist of fate- the museum was around the corner from us.  It was a beautiful day to walk, so we headed over shortly after breakfast.  It would have been hard to miss the giant purple building, even if we hadn’t been staying around the corner.  The museum is only open on Mondays during the summer.  Beating a dead horse- the pricing was the same for all three of us.  This day cost us $45, total.  It wasn’t cheap, but it ranks very highly on our list of children’s museums.

At the time of our visit, there was a traveling exhibit-  Thomas the Train!  Perfect timing.

We headed right to that exhibit first-  rookie mistake.

Forget checking out the rest of the place!  We spent a LONG time at the Thomas exhibit- There was so much to see, and I wasn’t interested in trying to tear the kids away from the fun!

The only- and I mean THE ONLY way I got them to peacefully exit the exhibit was to mention that I thought I saw a water play room, too! 


On our way, we found some bubbles to play with, too!

Located next to Water Play was a little room labeled as a research lab.  There was an individual inside who was looking for kids between the ages of two and three for a research study.  Don’t mind if we do!  I’m a nerd, and get such a kick out of this sort of things.  They played a little game on the iPad, and before we knew it, we were back en route to Water Play.

Of course, now we had the issue of trying to convince them to leave the water play room! I had one more trick up my sleeve- we were meeting Daddy for lunch!

By the time I got the kids successfully removed from Water Play, and exited the museum (after confirming that re-entry was permitted), TT Dad was already waiting for us by the door.

Across the street, we found a mexican food truck-  PERFECTION.  The kids played on the grass as we waited for our food, and then we devoured it!  Delicious food! 
After such an eventful morning, the kids were pretty quick to fall asleep for their nap, thankfully.  It was a little later than usual but not so late that we weren’t able to sneak in a swim after nap!

We met up With Auntie A, Uncle N, and cousin I for dinner, and it became clear that we shouldn’t attempt to go out together.  Our kids were still TIRED from the day, and it was getting late, so we decided to use GrubHub to find delivery, instead.  We chose The Smokey Pig (BBQ) and all in all, we were quite pleased.

We all breathed a sigh of relief once the kids were finally asleep for the night!

Tomorrow would bring a hunt for a splash pad!