We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming…

… to bring you a Throw Back, Err… Monday?

We just returned from a work trip (TT Dad) /amazing vacation (for the duo and I!) in Wrightsville Beach.  We had such a wonderful time with Oma, Opa, Auntie A, and Uncle N! The littles spent almost every waking hour smiling, laughing, and saying ‘bah!’ (bye).  I think we even caught a few giggles in their sleep, too!

In addition to hours spent in any water they could find (sound, ocean, pool, rain…) we were able to explore a couple of museums, including the Wilmington Railroad Museum (www.wrrm.com).

Z & G absolutely loved this museum, as expected.  Trains are a big hit these days.

As we wandered around the model train room, we were reminded of our time in Phoenix.  SO much has changed over the last 6 months.

Wilmington, 8/16

Wilmington, 8/16

Phoenix 2/16


These kids continue to surprise us, daily. One unexpected bonus to this blog is having our memories chronicled.






I’m so excited to watch them continue to grow- and get excited about their new adventures.  In another 6 months, they will be returning from their first trip to Disney!  More about that, later…