As you can probably gather from reading our blog, it took us (me, TT Mom), quite a while to feel human again after our beautiful bouncing babies came along. My life very much revolved […]
Twins on a Plane. Probably scarier than Snakes on a Plane. I could see it in our fellow passengers’ eyes! We prepared more for this trip than all previous trips combined. So much research. Talking […]
Now that the blog is in full swing, and we’re on the road more than ever, we’ve decided to make a few changes to the blog. Reviews will be separate pages, linked within the posts […]
While most of our trips are inspired by TT Dad’s marathons, business trips, or amazing ideas and research, once in a while, I’m to blame. I spent four years learning, growing, and exploring the surrounding […]
“Well that’s something you don’t see every day!” Not exactly the words you want to hear at your first ultrasound. We were 7 weeks into a very surprise pregnancy, following almost 2 years of […]
Once upon a time, there was a couple who were in love. In preparation of a bright future together, they often discussed their hopes and dreams. They quickly agreed to raise their future children […]