Before we dive into our next adventure… I need to take a minute. We are heading home tomorrow from our latest weekend away. This is our first overnight since we switched out the crib rail […]
Before we knew it, June was almost over. We were able to sneak a few more adventures in before saying goodbye to June (and heading out on our first overnight of the summer!) Of course, […]
TT Dad really stepped up his game for Mother’s Day, this year! A weekend in Chicago, Cubs game, spending quality time with my kids, my husband, and my amazing in-laws! He really set the bar […]
Balance. It seems to be all the rage. Everyone is looking for balance. Companies woo potential employees with promises of a work/life balance. Realtors are quick to point out the potential indoor/outdoor space. You try […]
It was finally here. We had been brave enough to spend an entire day alone- no kids- in Vermont. We even left the kids with strangers for the first time. But now we were standing […]
After that LONG drive home, we needed a fun adventure at home. Luckily, there was a Touch-A-Truck event in Southington, CT. Auntie L, Uncle M, brought the CT cousins, and Nonie and Pops met us […]