Merry Christmas! Man, Christmas with three year olds is FUN. We are busy celebrating and enjoying the day as a family, but please enjoy these memories in the mean time! We’ll be back soon, to […]
I got home from my Vegas outing on Monday morning, and we left for our beach trip on Tuesday after nap. What a whirlwind. Basically, I was home long enough to be very thankful that […]
That’s right.. we were finally headed back to the beach! We had just seen Oma and Opa towards the beginning of May, but we were looking forward to seeing Auntie A, Uncle N, and baby […]
It took us three months, but we were finally headed back to the beach- to meet our sweet baby niece! Both Z & G were smitten at first sight, and loved to hold their new […]
Next up, we had another ‘extended stay’ with Oma and Opa. Our visit would begin with the wonderful opportunity to celebrate the soon-to-be mama, Auntie A! We would be in NC for about 2 weeks, […]