Post number 100. When did that happen? 99 posts under our belt. 99. Did I really have enough to say to fill 99 posts? Yes. Yes, I did. If you know me, you know it […]
We’re changing things up again! New posts will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday… with our Wednesday Posts being ‘Wordless Wednesday!’ These posts will consist of one or more recent photos- a sneak peek into […]
In the middle of the Potty Training madness, our duo celebrated their second birthday. With little to no fanfare. We had pizza and ice cream cake with Nonie & Pops, and they were spoiled by […]
Our Potty Training journey started two days before the duo turned two. Confession: it started a while before that. Shortly after their first birthday, they were showing a TON of interest in all things potty. […]
Once we returned home, we had almost a whole month before our next planned overnight adventure. In the meantime, we would keep ourselves busy with our first Flower Girl/Ring Bearer gig, Halloween (and other Fall […]
Before we knew it, June was almost over. We were able to sneak a few more adventures in before saying goodbye to June (and heading out on our first overnight of the summer!) Of course, […]