With our children happily passing the time at Treasures, TT Dad and I were free to do something we hadn’t done in approximately a year and a half. We had 8 glorious hours to enjoy […]
In general, our two have proven to be amazingly quick to adapt to our new surroundings. There is, however, one issue we have yet to conquer. Early mornings. At home, they tend to wake for […]
Once we were all checked in, we ducked into the Pub at the Mountain Grille. It was the perfect atmosphere for a couple of kids who were completely thrown off of their schedule. The food […]
The plan was for us to drive up Friday, spend the weekend at Smugglers’ Notch, in Cambridge, VT, and then return home on Sunday night. The drive was approximately 4 hours. We thought we could […]
Now, what? We started a blog. A blog about our travels. Traveling with Twins. If there was one thing we’d learned so far… it was that we had a lot to learn. Why not invite […]
It was finally here. The reason for our weekend in Philly- The 2015 Philadelphia Marathon. The duo continued their trend of waking up earlier than normal- but today, that was welcomed. Before heading to […]