The day had arrived. By that, I mean, the day we were headed to the airport, for our 5:30pm flight. Lesson one. Don’t book a 5:30pm flight when your kids nap from 1-3, and you […]
Resort, check. Race Entries, check. Basic outline of the week, check Advance Dining Reservations, check. FastPass+, check. What else could possibly be left? Prepping our non-tv watching kids for a trip to Disney, that’s what. […]
Resort, check. Race Entries, check. Basic outline of the week, check Advance Dining Reservations, check. Next up, FastPass+. In a nutshell, a FastPass+ allows you to avoid the standby line, by granting access to a […]
I’d been warned. Planning a Disney vacation can be overwhelming. Absolutely. So many pieces to coordinate and fit together in the best possible way- almost like a tricky little logic puzzle. Good thing I love […]
Once upon a time… say… 7 years ago, there was a boy and a girl, who were in love. In addition to loving his girlfriend, the boy also loved running. In addition to loving her […]
Next up, we had another ‘extended stay’ with Oma and Opa. Our visit would begin with the wonderful opportunity to celebrate the soon-to-be mama, Auntie A! We would be in NC for about 2 weeks, […]