Our Potty Training journey started two days before the duo turned two. Confession: it started a while before that. Shortly after their first birthday, they were showing a TON of interest in all things potty. […]
Once we returned home, we had almost a whole month before our next planned overnight adventure. In the meantime, we would keep ourselves busy with our first Flower Girl/Ring Bearer gig, Halloween (and other Fall […]
TT Dad had a little bit more business to attend to, so the duo and I decided to give McCormick & Schmick’s one more chance, after the mediocre experience TT Dad and I had the […]
We woke up on Sunday morning, ready to go. Breakfast is typically the duo’s biggest (and happiest) meal of the day… and TT Dad and I enjoy a good breakfast as well, so we love […]
Considering how close Providence is, I am surprised it took us this long to find our way here. Stopping for lunch at the Brewery was perhaps the biggest mistake we made. Don’t get me wrong- […]
After a couple of weeks back at home, we were feeling the itch. It was time to find somewhere new to explore. We took advantage of a Trade Show, and ended up in Providence, RI. […]