TT Dad’s Trip Down Memory Lane

After a whirlwind weekend in Roanoke, it was time to venture south, to visit TT Dad’s parents in Cary, NC.

We planned to drive most of the trip during the duo’s morning nap.  Are you starting to see a trend?  The ride was supposed to be about 4 hours, so we thought we could make it most of the way before they would start to get antsy.  We would then stop for lunch, letting them stretch and move around, before finishing the trip.


Things were going well, so we took a little detour to drive through TT Dad’s Alma Mater-  UNC- Greensboro.  While this was enjoyable for TT Dad and I, it didn’t seem to be a big hit for the duo, who decided they had certainly been driving long enough right about then.


This was our first big driving meltdown.  TT Dad was driving, so I hopped in the back with the duo.  Armed with Puffs, yogurt drops, and a few pouches, I was able to keep them somewhat satisfied (read: distracted) for a little while.  We pulled over at a restaurant, but without being able to crawl or walk, there just wasn’t much stretching that could be done, so we loaded everyone back in the car, and decided to just push through the last hour or so.

Once we made it to Cary, everyone was happy again.  The duo was able to explore a new house, eat some lunch, and settle in for an afternoon nap.


Sibling love


The duo were still not quite mobile (just rolling and scooting everywhere), so a visit in a non-babyproofed house was not a problem.  We brought some toys from home, and took a trip to Target to pick up some new blocks, and stacking cups.  We also picked up the Poppity-Pop Musical Dino.  A year later, and it’s still a hit.

We made a real effort to keep everyone out of the car for the few days we were in Cary.  There was a lot of down time in Cary, which was a nice break.  We thought this would help to make the remaining 2 hour drive to the beach a little easier.