The Year of TT Mom

2017 was the year I finally decided to try not to forget to take care of myself.

I’ve done a few things to try to protect my health and well-being, not only physical, but mental and emotional, as well.

First step, I started working with a trainer.  Lisa has been amazing.  She is encouraging, motivating, and she has been there for me in many capacities.  While I may not be seeing as many physical changes as I’d like, I have absolutely noticed changes in my strength and overall health.

Second on the list, I needed to find myself again.  The duo were really overwhelming in those early days, and at some point, when things settled down, and I found a few pockets of time to starting doing things I enjoy-  I realized I had forgotten what those were.

I didn’t even know where to start- how do you begin to try to determine what it is that fulfills you?

Around this time, my village found ourselves planning a Mom’s Weekend Out, in Vegas.  TT Dad recognized that I needed a little me time, and he sent me on the trip!  It was refreshing.  For 4 days, I had only one hat-  Me.  I didn’t have to be Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister.  Just me.


This was exactly what I needed.  I came back ready to be a better Mom, Wife, Daughter, and Sister… and a better me.  What TT Dad probably didn’t realize was that I would be hooked.  Weekends, overnights…  just a quick little refresher.  That was the ticket.   Lucky for me, I had another long weekend away booked already.  After completing the 10k (and feeling great!) in January, I had a silly idea that I could probably also complete a half marathon.  I mean, it’s only twice the distance.  HA.

I stood by my previous statement-  I would only ever run a distance longer than a 5k at Disney.  So, I had agreed to return to Disney to run my first half marathon, in November.   The Wine & Dine Half.

Guess what?  I did it!  I completed my very first half marathon this past weekend.  Wow.  What a feeling.

I now have a new answer to the Ice Breaker question- ‘What accomplishment are you most proud of?’  And even better-  I have a new sense of who I am, and who I want to be.  I believe in myself again.