Countdown To Summer

We blinked.

Our two babies were suddenly solidly stationed in Toddler Land.

They were finally getting verbal communication under control, and it has been a complete delight to learn what exactly goes on in their heads. Added twin bonus-  we have a set of tiny translators!  Whenever one of them isn’t quite clear, I can usually count on the other to translate!

Their 2.5 check up was the second happy check up in a row.  Z brought her best bud- Doc McStuffins, who helped calm her.  The doctor let Doc go first each step of the way, and I think that helped a lot.

Twin Mom Milestone:  It only took me 2.5 years before I was daring enough to take the two kids to a doctors appointment, alone.  As it turns out, we were turning a corner.  Knock on wood, but I no longer panicked through outings, always expecting them to dart in opposite directions.  My constant state of triage-  which twin would meet grave danger first- was starting to ease up.  I was able to ask them to stand by the car, or stay on the sidewalk, and trust that they wouldn’t run off.  G was showing his safety side again, and insisting on holding hands in parking lots.

What a difference a few months makes.

With this new development, I also felt comfortable taking the kids down the street a bit, to the cul-de-sac, where we could play with sidewalk chalk.  Our stone driveway isn’t really conducive to sidewalk chalk, but we live a few houses from the cul-de-sac.  It’s the perfect place for a couple of sidewalk artists.
We practiced sitting on curb any time a car was coming, and they picked it right up.

Of course, this also presented numerous opportunities for adorable

shots.  The only thing these two love more than sidewalk chalk is their new boots.


Another highlight of our spring was an overnight in New York City with my village.  I’ve mentioned them before, but my mom squad has been so important to me throughout the past 2.5 years.  One of the California ladies was in NYC for work, and we were able to arrange a little gathering of 9 of us.  Most of us were able to spend the night, with a couple of the crew joining us for brunch in the morning, and sticking around for some day bonding.

Something special happens when you build a solid relationship for years, and then finally get to actually meet in person.  So much love.

Love, also, to TT Dad, who was so kind to change up his schedule so I could have this Mom time.

It’s no secret I had a rough bit over the winter, and suddenly realized I was feeling lost.  Here I was with two beautiful, smart, charming, silly, kind, and loving kids… I should have been over the moon, but instead, I was missing a part of me.  TT Dad has done an amazing job of helping me figure out how to find the missing pieces, and I’m in a much better place now…  Thanks also to my MomSquad, for their help.
It was also helpful to come home to this smiling face.  When I got home, we took the kids to their happy place-  Stew Leonards.  Yes, a grocery store.   This should not come as a surprise if you’ve been following along! 

I am now able to enjoy my time with these amazing nuggets… and I swoon over each and every new adorable moment I catch a sneak peek of-  like when they read books to each other.

We really enjoyed our long stretch at home.  It was a nice break, but we we itching to get back on the road, and  it was finally time.  We had a few trips lined up…  both road trips, and another adventure in the air!

We’ll save that for the next post 😉