Summer Storms

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Vivian Greene

We’ve been enjoying another visit to our happy place-  Oma and Opa’s house.  As we sat around the dinner table, sharing stories, laughs, and a bottle of wine; the sky lit up with lightning.

I was reminded of Vivian Greene’s quote, as I became mesmerized by the flashes of light outside.

Am I the only one who finds herself waiting?

I find myself being caught up in the ‘wait untils’ and missing out on the moments in front of me often. Don’t get me wrong-  I love the kids, our family, and every experience we’ve had.  We’re so lucky.  Our kids are fun, and smart, and curious, and imaginative, and so so kind hearted. I love all of that about them.  But they are two and a half, so…  well, you know.

I’m constantly finding fun things we can do.. when the kids are older.  Or dreaming of the days when I won’t be rushing to get them home in time for their nap.  

Over the past two and a half years, you would think I would have learned my lesson.  Long gone are the days that I wished they would be just a little more mobile-  crawling, maybe… or walking… or running… or.. you get the idea.  Oh, how much do I miss my chunky little meatballs that stayed right where I put them. Then there’s the talking.  It was not long ago, at all, that I was wishing my duo would start speaking.  While I very much enjoy my little snapshot into the way their brains work, I have had moments where I was wishing, very much, for just a little quiet.  A few moments of silence.

With nursery school staring us down from the end of the summer, I’m more and more aware that my littles are growing up.

We will never get these days back again.  I am furiously trying to soak up every ounce of ‘Mama!’.  Every single ‘Me’ instead of ‘I.’  Each and every messy ice cream face, or pile of crumbs, or dirty hand prints on the wall could very well be the last.


Okay, maybe that’s a stretch.  I’m sure those things aren’t going anywhere!